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Time Off notifications

This article explains how and when the bot notifies users about time offs

Andrew Fan avatar
Written by Andrew Fan
Updated over 10 months ago

Notifications to the requester:

  1. Once a user submits a time-off request, OrgaNice notifies them in a direct message that their request has been sent to a selected manager(s) and is awaiting approval.

  2. The bot notifies the requester once their time off is approved or rejected.

  3. The bot also notifies the requester if their approved time off is deleted by an OrgaNice admin or their managers.

Notifications to the approvers:

  1. The bot creates a temporary Slack channel and invites all the managers. It also sends a message with a request's details.

  2. If managers ignore a requested time off within 24 hours, the bot sends a follow-up message in a temporary Slack channel.

  3. If a user requests time off from a manager other than their org chart manager, then when the selected manager approves or rejects the time off, the org chart manager will receive a direct message from the bot indicating that Manager X has approved or rejected their subordinate's request.

P.S. Managers can also see and manage incoming requests on the Home tab

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